Anime Quotes API

This API lets you fetch quotes from various anime characters and shows. Built with MongoDB, Express, Pug, SCSS, and Node.js, it is designed to be convienent and straightforward to use. You can filter quotes by both shows and characters. You can also specify the number of quotes to be returned by using the random parameter.




Get all quotes by particular character:

/api/quotes?character=lelouch Try it

Get random quote from particular character:

/api/quotes?character=lelouch&random=1 Try it

Get all quotes from particular show:

/api/quotes?show=code geass Try it

Get random quote from particular show:

/api/quotes?show=code geass&random=1 Try it

Multiple characters/shows

You can also search for multiple shows or characters in a query, separated by commas.

Get quotes by multiple characters:

/api/quotes?character=lelouch,oscar jarjayes,spike spiegel Try it

Get quotes by multiple shows:

/api/quotes?show=code geass,rose of versailles,violet evergarden Try it

Get random quote from list of characters:

/api/quotes?character=lelouch,oscar jarjayes,spike spiegel&random=1 Try it

Get random quote from list of shows:

/api/quotes?show=code geass,rose of versailles,violet evergarden&random=1 Try it

Get ALL quotes

/api/quotes Try it

For detailed documentation check the repository at Enhancements and suggestions are welcome!